13 Lives #Dr Drop

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Dr Drop is another revolutionary product from 13 Lives; a non high-inducing cannabinoid which directly interacts with the CB2 receptors in the body. These receptors primarily support and interact with our endocrine and immune systems. Due to its highly anti-inflammatory properties make it equally suitable for those with Leaky Gut Syndrome, MTHFR, a predisposition to Alzheimers, Cardivascular problems or diabetes. In fact, in today`s highly-acidic, highly inflammatory, cancer-prone society, everyone can benefit from the use of Dr Drop in aid of prevention.

Dr Drop offers a variety of benefits, including: anti-inflammatory and immune support, aids in stress reduction, cardiovascular and neurological function support, improves skin for a smoother complexion, provides digestion, liver, respiratory and antioxidant support. A compound is absorbed into the human body by dissolving in the juices in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. BCP (our terpene) really struggles to dissolve in these GI juices. Our lipid delivery system allows the BCP to skip the dissolution phase and have maximum absorption. This means any BCP that isn?t absorbed sublingually and is swallowed, will have maximum absorption. Oral BCP was more effective than the subcutaneously injected synthetic CB2 agonist JWH-133 for debilitating pain states (Klaukea et al. 2013). BCP has a half-life of 3.5 hours (Poddighe et al. 2018).

13 Lives #Dr Drop is a unique product that offers a variety of benefits to help improve overall health and wellbeing. It is a revolutionary product that is designed to interact directly with the CB2 receptors in the body, providing anti-inflammatory and immune support, aiding in stress reduction, and improving skin for a smoother complexion. It also provides digestion, liver, respiratory and antioxidant support. With its lipid delivery system, it allows for maximum absorption of the BCP, making it more effective than other products on the market.