BSc Body Science Nitrovol Lean Muscle

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BSC Body Science Nitrovol Lean Muscle is a complete all-in-one protein for anyone wanting to gain and preserve lean muscle mass. Delivering 22g of premium protein plus carbohydrates, amino acids, electrolytes and creatine essential for muscle growth and workout recovery.

This product helps to fight muscle catabolism by providing slow-release proteins that promote an anti-catabolic environment to protect muscle tissue breakdown in the hours following exercise. It also helps to promote lean muscle growth with its low-fat, low-cal, high protein and quality carb blend to maximise muscle growth without unwanted gains in body fat.

BSC Body Science Nitrovol Lean Muscle is boosted with 3000mg Creatine to replenish ATP for explosive power during training, stimulate muscle growth and strength, and maximise muscle gains. It also helps to speed up exercise recovery with its quality carbohydrate ingestion post-exercise to replenish muscle glycogen stores and protein to provide essential amino acids to repair and rebuild muscle tissue.

Finally, BSC Body Science Nitrovol Lean Muscle helps to reduce muscle soreness with its BCAAs, protein/carb complex plus glutamine that work synergistically to decrease post-exercise muscle soreness, speed recovery time and reduce incidence of DOMS.

BSC Body Science Nitrovol Lean Muscle is a unique product that provides all the essential nutrients needed to gain and preserve lean muscle mass, while also helping to reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery time.